Monday, January 25, 2016

BEAUTY | Charlotte Tilbury's lipsticks

Charlotte Tilbury lipsticks: Night Crimson, Stoned Rose and Bitch Perfect
You know when I say that if I was a millionaire all my skincare would be from Dr Perricone? Well, if that was the case and I could choose any brand for my millionaire-style lipstick collection, then it would definitely be Charlotte Tilbury. I do love a whole bunch of other brands which I happily hand my money over to and wear day and night but Charlotte Tilbury just wins on all fronts - the colour, the texture, the level of hydration and last power.

There are three beauties in my CT K.I.S.S.I.N.G lipstick collection as of now. The first one is Bitch Perfect - the most neutral pink I’ve ever found - it’s almost like a neutral nude pink which could pass for a nude shade in itself but that touch more sophisticated. If Bitch Perfect was a piece of clothing, it would be your favourite pair of black skinnies. FACT. The next shade I have in my little (and rather overflowing) beauty drawer is Stoned Rose. This shade is a little bit of a love - hate relationship for me. With some eye make-up looks it looks beautiful, with some it looks meh. It’s basically Bitch Perfect with a stronger red undertone which gives you that ‘just bitten and kinda juicy’ nude but not really model look. Finally there’s Night Crimson. Night Crimson is a deep burgundy red with a slight almost black undertone when you go all out with it. You can either use it as a stain (dab it light-handedly on your lips for day wear) or as a full on evening wear colour (it goes on so smoothly and doesn’t fade into patches).

Charlotte Tilbury lipsticks have the slightest vanilla scent to them (you really have to sniff them to realize this) and apply incredibly smoothly. On your lips they will feel waxy but hydrating and even after a full day of wear they won’t leave your lips chapped and flaky.

You can buy Charlotte Tilbury lipsticks in Selfridges, John Lewis or on the internets for about £23 a pop.

I’d love to try the Matte Revolution range - which shade would you recommend?

from Cityscape Bliss

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