Tuesday, December 1, 2015

LIFESTYLE | How to unwind after a long winter day

The colder it the weather, the stronger the gales - the moodier and more tired I become. That’s just the way it is. What do they call it, the winter blues? More like winter greys and greiges and graphite darkness. On days like these it’s important to know how to unwind. Here is how I do it.

It took me absolute ages to find these 80p Penguin Classics! Shaun says they have them in every Waterstones but I ain’t believing that - they definitely are not in the Walsall one and I’m not sure they are in the Birmingham one either because I just could not find them. I finally discovered them by chance in Grand Central’s Foyles! They have the prettiest books there - I swear they choose their stock by how pretty the cover pages are.  

I have been on a roll with my DIYs, haven’t I? There’s something incredibly therapeutic about creating things. I am fully aware that the £50 worth of spray paint would get me a brand new chest of drawers but that wouldn’t be half as much fun! Check out my most recent projects: vintage apothecary posters with frames (here), quick & easy steam-punk style planters (here) and cactus terrariums (here).

I’ve always been a massive fan of skin oils and this new discovery of mine has quickly climbed to the very top of my favourites - Michael Lorin Reed’s Gold Serum (click here) is a serum developed by a Manhattan-based dermatologist. The key extracts of sage, juniper and citrus give the oil very strong relaxing scent and they are also, as you’d expect, very effective ingredients. Exactly what my skin needs after a long day at work.

I don’t need a good night’s sleep, I need the best sleep possible. Without that I will be grumpy and snappy throughout the following day - which is pants, to say the least. When I’m struggling to fall asleep (not that often anymore - touch wood - but still happens) I either use Frankincense facial mist from Neal’s Yard Remedies (see here) or Mio Liquid Yoga Stress Free Space Spray (click here - or you can also try it as a part of the Sleep Better kit here). The space spray is particularly effective because you can spritz it directly on your pillow and just face plant right into it, mmmm.     

What do you do to unwind after a long stressful day at work?

from Cityscape Bliss http://www.cityscape-bliss.com/2015/12/lifestyle-how-to-unwind-after-long.html

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