Wednesday, August 12, 2015

LIFESTYLE | 10 songs you have to listen to right now!

Music seems to be a little bit of a black hole at the moment. It’s like the internet - you just don’t know where the start or the end is, it’s everywhere and nowhere and it’s so easy to get lost in the overload of it. Sometimes I wish it was as easy as it used to be back in the 1990’s when you owned 5 mix tapes which you kept re-recording until you couldn’t even tell what the songs were anymore. When you had 5 favourite CDs which were glued to your discman every single minute of the day. But that was about 20 years ago (whuuuuuut?!) and today I’m dangerously obsessed with my Spotify (which is synced on my laptop, iPhone and iPad - obviously), I never listen to the radio anymore and my CD player is not even plugged in. The most recent discovery in the music world are these 10 songs (I’m one of those people who plays songs on repeat until they’re dead) and the UE Boom speaker* which takes listening to music on your phone to a whole new level. BAM! 

⇢ First Aid Kit - Emmylou (the song you want to be the soundtrack of your life)
 Bosshouse ft Amanda Abizaid - A Place in Time (because I’m on the 4400 binge) 
⇢ Hello Saferide - Dad Told Me (Annika Norlin has one of those proper buttery voices mmm)
⇢ Nina Kinert - I Shot My Man (because the lyrics are just wtf)
⇢ Tokio Hotel - Durch Den Monsun (erm because why wouldn’t you listen to German pop-rock?!) 
⇢ Stevie Nicks - Italian Summer (Stevie. Summer. What else do you need to know?)
⇢ Cajun Dance Party - No Joanna (because songs about girls are the sweetest)
⇢ Larrikin Love - Meet Me by the Gateway Car (a new discovery I wish I knew when I was 21 when I was in the indie zone)
⇢ The Rifles - Winter Calls (a transitional summer going on winter song)
⇢ The Twang - Two Lovers (because it explains the very fundamentals of all men)

*UE Boom speaker is the cutest little thing (they come in a dozen of different colours) - and it is actually one of the best damn speakers I’ve ever had. It works via bluetooth and the sound it produces is just absolutely bloody fantastic. You can even adjust bass and acoustics via the Boom app! It is definitely an investment which everyone who listens to music more than just on the train when travelling to and from work will appreciate. I think that most people don’t even realize how crappy music off your phone/laptop sounds until they hear it through speakers. It’s honestly priceless! 

What’s your favourite song at the moment?
Do you own portable speakers or are you happy with the sound off your phone?

from Cityscape Bliss

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